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We have recently been battling, on behalf of one of our customers, to retrieve a domain name from

The customer registered the domain name a few years ago due to the cheap renewal fees that Extendnet were offering. Unfortunately since then, their customer service has been awful. Just see the unfavourable reviews left on their TrustPilot page -

We are very careful not to discuss other domain registrars and hosting providers. There are lots of people out there doing what we do, some great and some are terrible and of course companies can be turned around. The reason I am writing this is because of the ridiculous situation that has occurred and it appears, based on the reviews linked to above, it is a common thing for their customers.

We were asked by a customer to move their web site over to our hosting package and to do that, we needed to update the nameservers on the domain name. We contacted Extendnet through their online support portal and after a long wait (around seven days) they responded and had updated the nameservers. The customer then came back to us to ask us to move the domain name over to us as well, as they were unhappy with Extendnet's service.

You cannot move a domain from their control panel, you have to log a support ticket. We first opened one back in July. We didn't receive any responses to our ticket but they did keep closing it. This meant that they had read our support ticket and decided to ignore it - three times.

After that we decided to retrieve the domain name ourselves and have just successfully done so.

If you have a domain name registered with Extendnet and would like us to move your domain from Extendnet, please get in touch so that we can help.


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Short Testimonial

Paul McKinney, customer

"Without a doubt the most professional and outstanding customer service out there. Buy with confidence."