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There are many processes involved in ensuring that our customers' web sites and e-mail accounts remain accessible. Some are fairly standard whilst others are systems which we have developed in-house to help ensure your account is protected and remains online. We also try to cut out as many annoyances as possible so that using your account isn't frustrating.

Spam Protection

We get annoyed every time we receive a spam e-mail so we do our best to cut down on the junk that reaches your inbox. We use the excellent SpamExperts filtering system which automatically traps the vast majority of junk and stops it hitting your account. Should the odd message slip through, we take two actions. The first is to report it to SpamExperts so that they can add it to their filter and prevent similar messages from reaching other users. The second is adding the sender's account to our own, internal filter.

We've developed our own filter after seeing patterns of behaviour with some spammers. With some senders, they were able to get through the first filter and they would bombard as many accounts as possible with their messages so we created our own filter which we manually manage. As soon as a message gets through to us, we add it to our filter and this prevents the same sender from sending anything to any accounts within our network.

Blacklist monitor

A common technique of spammers is to hack a web site then plant some code which sends out spam messages. This is damaging in a couple of ways. Firstly, the implanted code could be flagged up to Google and cause your web site to drop in rankings. To ensure this doesn't happen, we offer our Extra Protect system to add extra layers of security to your Joomla or WordPress web site.

The second issue is that your domain name will quickly become blacklisted by other ISPs meaning that genuine e-mails sent from your account will end up in your contact's junk folder or worse still, blocked completely. To combat this, we run regular checks on all of our sites and have signed up to a blacklist monitor. The blacklist monitor checks our servers on a daily basis to see if they are listed on any e-mail blacklist servers. If they are, we are immediately notified so that we can identify the site causing the issue and have our systems removed from the blacklists.

Site monitor

We now offer an additional service which checks to see if your web site is online and accessible. Most hosts do not offer this service but those that do often just 'ping' your site. All this does is checks to see if the server that your site is installed on, is running. It doesn't actually check to make sure your site is accessible and can be read by your customers.

Our system is different. Ours checks to make sure that your site is online and working. If it isn't, we are automatically notified so that we can identify the issue and put things right for you often before you or your customers have noticed an issue.

We are constantly updating our systems and are open to suggestions on how we can improve our service so if there is a feature that you would like to see us add, please let us know.



About Us

We're a small team who support hundreds of web sites, small and large, across the UK and beyond.

We love, web sites, SEO and helping your business grow.


Contact Us

For support, please e-mail use our live chat facility or call us on 01227 656451.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or are having problems, just get in touch.

Use our 'Contact Us' page to e-mail us or talk to us on live chat about any queries that you may have or any support issues.

Short Testimonial

Paul McKinney, customer

"Without a doubt the most professional and outstanding customer service out there. Buy with confidence."