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If you have recently upgraded Woocommerce to V7.0.0 or above you may have noticed a new line appearing in some of the e-mail notification: 'Process your orders on the go. Get the app'

The developers have added this to highlight to Wordpress / Woocommerce shop administrators that there is a Woocommerce app available to help you manage your shop. The problem is most people do not want to see the constant reminders as part of their store e-mails. Fortunately there is a quick and easy way to remove it. All you need to do is:

  1. Log into the admin area of your Wordpress web site
  2. Install the Code Snippets plugin
  3. Once the plugin is installed and activated, click on 'Plugins' from the admin menu on the left-hand side of your screen
  4. A list of all of the plugins on your site will be listed
  5. Find the 'Code Snippets' plugin and click on 'Snippets' just beneath the plugin title
  6. A new screen will be displayed. Click on the 'Add New' button at the top of the page
  7. On the next page, type in a name for the new snippet e.g. 'Disable messages about the mobile apps in WooCommerce emails'
  8. Now copy this code into the snippet code area:

    * Disable messages about the mobile apps in WooCommerce emails.
    function mtp_disable_mobile_messaging( $mailer ) {
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_email_footer', array( $mailer->emails['WC_Email_New_Order'], 'mobile_messaging' ), 9 );
    add_action( 'woocommerce_email', 'mtp_disable_mobile_messaging' );

  9. Click on the 'Save Changes and Activate' button at the bottom of the page.

Your changes will be saved and the 'Process your orders on the go. Get the app' text will be removed from your Woocommerce emails.

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